Welcome to my 2012 travel blog....first stop this year....Ethiopia!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Friday/Saturday, February 4/5. The singing well and farewell.

Our last two days were spent heading back to the capital city, Addis Ababa...making a few stops along the way. Including a stop at the singing well. Three men bale water out of the well, pouring it into a reservoir which leads into a trough where people can bring their livestock to drink. But why "singing" well? Because the men sing in order to set the cadence so that they work in unison to get the water up out of the well. They work in one hour shifts, to spread the work across the surrounding farms, so that they can then go take care of their own livestock or fields.

This woman arrived early to get her water for the day....

We then proceeded north, again encountering all forms of transportation used to get to market...

...including these local "buses" where the passengers tie their water and other containers to the top.

We saw coffee being dried in yards By the way, Ethiopia was the birthplace of coffee!

We stopped at more 14th century cemeteries...

The next morning, we stopped to watch the fishermen bring in their catch for sale...

While the storks and pelicans waited for the scraps....

Our wonderful drivers took advantage of this stop to have some fish for breakfast!

Our trip came to an end that evening in an authentic Ethiopian restaurant (tourist style!) where we were entertained by local musicians and dancers, as we bid farewell to this wonderful, culturally rich African country!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Last two days in Southern Ethiopia